The cover is finally out there, it’s the RADIOHEAD song STREET SPIRIT/ FADE OUT.
Please check the video out and share, we’re very happy with how it turned out and hope you like it ;).
The video itself has had some nice exposure even though it’s early days. It was featured along with bio bits on a number of blogs and sites which has been great along with us getting band of the day on moshville
We have another video shoot coming up for a single in the late Summer the weekend after next which is exciting, details are slowly been assembled and we can’t wait to try and create this fantastic idea that a new director we have found to work with us, more to come here :).
Aside from the above we are working really hard in rehearsals to play the full album, which is the least we can be doing right? Haha
It has just been a little turbulent in that regard due to how things worked out with our last new member early in the year. The amount of time invested trying to ensure we could recreate as many tracks as possible in the shortest space of time was the priority for nearly 5 months, playing as a three piece has enabled us to get on with all the aspects and try to compensate a little where the guitar is obv lacking.
The sound is really improving atm, the regular practices are really paying off and we have a pile of new merch on the way too
So keep your eyes peeled.
More to come, please check the vid and we hope you love it – TSC