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MMXVI – 2015/wrap up and 2016 plans


SO here we go…

We have had a smashing start to 2016 and end to 2015…what an 18months!


The last few months of 2015 were all about making progress and a plan for 2016. Ideally I wanted to have a situation where we break up for a few weeks for the Xmas period with a cd each to listen to with all the demos. Sitting at the Mac on Nov1st, nothing was recorded and many ideas hadn’t been questioned.

What followed was a necessary and dark period to make the songs happen. A month of solitude produced 19 songs, 4 or 5 had been roughly demo’d and jammed before for “MMXV” back in the day, so they had been revamped and I felt that the necessary care had been given to the parts.

As a band we operate rather differently as mentioned before. I tend to write most of the songs and we craft them as a group. It has worked really well for us thus far. I tend to get quite distracted as soon as we start jamming the songs with the vox and guitar parts (especially since we decided to remain a 3 piece), so sometimes aspects of the tune can get overlooked from my perspective.

There was a real need from my side to show the lads what was on my mind roughly, which meant that I recorded all aspects of the cd(mostly first takes it has to be said), so they know the fell and general idea and are then free to explore the parts for themselves.

This was a new approach for us too, but with the amount of work needed on the vox/guitar side, the matters will slip, so it’s best to give everyone an idea initially and we can go from there. It has been working so well, we have spent three weeks working on them and we have 3 pretty solidly down 🙂

We have yet to decide when exactly to record or where, but aim to release AUG/SEPT


We had a great two gigs to finish off the year, it was a smasher! one in the beautiful Swansea and Plymouth, it was great being on the road and the crowds were an absolute pleasure. Driving 5 hours both days is never delightful, but one has to learn to love the road 😛


We have been working with a new manager since just before the new year and we are actively planning 3 releases off MMXV and a competition before May.

We’ll close with a few gigs from our first gig of the year from ALLEYCAT on Jan 15 for the Molotov night. Two more gigs scheduled, keep an eye on the website for updates 😉



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