Belated Happy St Patrick’s day! Writing this on my flight back to London after a quick break in the Emerald Isle.
This last two weeks have been a pleasure, a real high in the landscape which has otherwise been little better than challenging. However it appears we love a good fight and with strife comes resolve that will hopefully bode well for the months ahead, ONWARD!!
As you can see from our last post, we are in TERRORIZER this month. The track “Catalyst” off upcoming album MMXV is free with the mag and we had a cracker of a gig in proud two weeks back, salivating at our next in SURYA on the 28.
Proud was immense! But the embodiment of why every band dreams of having roadies, it’s probably the ultimately luxury is this mad lifestyle of playing shows and spreading the word, sweating and energy.
Never has this dream been so distant as we lugged our backline up the winding back entrance to Proud in Camden at 4:30pm on that Sat afternoon. As you can imagine there wasn’t anyone there at all, we breezed in 🙂
As you probably know, proud have free live music each Sat from 3-10pm. The variety of acts and audience members truly makes the atmosphere and environment perfect for an amazing afternoon and eve.
By the time we took to the stage the beads of sweat were already dripping off my head as the heat of the lights and lack of AC meant we were in for a drenching
Thank you for everyone that came down on the eve, friends new and old. We probably had the best show of our survival lives, so thank you for making it a cracker
In other news we are working with a new PR team and will bring the info to you in the coming weeks.
This has put a slight delay on the release of the cover we had along with the album release which is likely to be JULY now in all reality.
Much more to come – happy Thurs / G